Davis ETFs
Fund | Symbol | Market Segment | Description | Resources |
Davis Select U.S. Equity ETF | DUSA | US Equity | Large cap, durable, well-managed businesses. | |
Davis Select International ETF | DINT | International Equity | Attractive investment opportunities outside the U.S. | |
Davis Select Worldwide ETF | DWLD | Global Equity | Attractive investment opportunities in the U.S and abroad. | |
Davis Select Financial ETF | DFNL | Financial | Best-of-breed financial businesses. |
Davis Mutual Funds
Fund | Symbol |
New York Venture Fund |
(A) - NYVTX (B) - NYVBX (C) - NYVCX (Y) - DNVYX (R) - NYVRX |
International Fund |
(A) - DILAX (B) - DILBX (C) - DILCX (Y) - DILYX |
Global Fund |
(A) - DGFAX (B) - DGFBX (C) - DGFCX (Y) - DGFYX |
Opportunity Fund |
(A) - RPEAX (B) - RPFEX (C) - DGOCX (Y) - DGOYX |
Financial Fund |
(A) - RPFGX (B) - DFIBX (C) - DFFCX (Y) - DVFYX |
Real Estate Fund |
(A) - RPFRX (B) - DREBX (C) - DRECX (Y) - DREYX |
Appreciation and Income Fund |
(A) - RPFCX (B) - DCSBX (C) - DCSCX (Y) - DCSYX |
Government Bond Fund |
(A) - RFBAX (B) - VRPFX (C) - DGVCX (Y) - DGVYX |
Government Money Market Fund |
(A) - RPGXX (C) - RPGXX (Y) - RPGXX |
Davis Funds and Variable Annuities are distributed by Davis Distributors, LLC, and are not affiliated with Foreside Fund Services.
Variable Annuities
Portfolio |
Value Portfolio |
Real Estate Portfolio |
Financials Portfolio |
Davis Funds and Variable Annuities are distributed by Davis Distributors, LLC, and are not affiliated with Foreside Fund Services.
Other Ways to Invest
Separately Managed Accounts
Davis works closely with financial advisors to offer separately managed accounts to private clients.
Offshore Funds
Davis offers mutual funds utilizing the signature Davis Investment Discipline for non-U.S. investors.