The vast majority of factors across society and around the world have improved massively for decades. Betting against long term progress is a loser’s game.

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Why All Financials are Not Created Equal

Why All Financials are Not Created Equal

“Financials” are often mistakenly lumped together, despite their wildly differed risk and opportunity profiles. The best are being rewarded by investors, but remain undervalued
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The Davis Select Worldwide ETF (DWLD)

The Davis Select Worldwide ETF (DWLD)

Danton Goei, Portfolio Manager of DWLD, on his high-conviction, benchmark agnostic investment approach, where the portfolio is invested geographically and two representative holdings.
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The Types of Businesses That Can Build Generational Wealth

The Types of Businesses That Can Build Generational Wealth

Identifying great businesses with above average growth, resiliency and competitive advantages, but at discounts to the index.
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Investor Education
A Market Correction is an Opportunity.
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